Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Independent events- The outcome of one event has no effect on the outcome of another event.
Sample space- All possible outcomes of an experiment.

A coin is flipped and a six-sided die is rolled. These two events are called independent events.
a)use a table to list all the possible outcomes.
b)how many possible outcomes are there?

b) 12 possible outcomes.

Second way to organize outcomes
Tree diagram- A diagram used to organize outcomes contains a branch for each possible outcome of an event.

Here is a link to help you-

Here is a video to help you-


sheila814 said...

Great job! i really understand this, first i wasnt getting it but now i do; thanks for the help!
Alittle tip maybe just add 1 more colour to make it really stand out. I dont really understand picture 2 because i get everything about it but like the part were you have the " black lines" connecting to heads and tails what is that line for? but anyway thanks for the help.

Nicole772 said...

Good Job Taylor ! This scribe post has everything and it is very well detailed .

alyshiad814 said...

good job taylor! you did a very good job on your scribe post but like sheila said i don't really get picture number 2 it's kind've confusing but otherwise good job!

samantha8-14 said...

Good job Taylor! you explained it very well and the pictures helped me.

Camille873 said...

Nice Job, Taylor! The video really helped.

jaydin873 said...

good job it was really good