Sunday, November 7, 2010

Order of operations 2

Question 1:
Annie has been asked to calculate 1.7+6/2.She claims the answers is 3.85.Do you agree?Explain why or why not.
Annie only got 3.85 because she didn't use BEDMAS.She did it this way to get her answer.
This is the real answer:
Question 2:
Put the brackets in the following expression to get the largest value possible. What problem solving strategy did you use?
I'd put the brackets between in the question like this---->(3x2.8)+6.4/4=
The answer would be 10 whick is the largest value you can get.I used BEDMAS to figure out the answer.
Question 3:
Create a problem that could be solved using the following expression:
Ella is selling paintings for her class small painting is for $2.5 but if you buy two paintings you can get them for $1.25.Another deal Ella has is that if you buy three you can buy them for $1.6. Five people came and each person bought three paintings each.At the end of the day Ella made $8.

Here's a link that might help you:

Here's a video that might help as well.


danicka814 said...

good job samantha!this will help me on my next scribe post!

Nicole772 said...

Good Job ! But next time maybe you can put a picture on your scribe post.

GurpreetS9-05 said...

Good job! but maybe they next time you could put up a picture

Ashley772 said...

Good job!!!! Next time keep it short and add a picture!

melina814 said...

good job !! maybe next time you should add a picture, and how bedmas works and what it means

Shari873 said...

Good job sam! nice video! You should add a picture next time!.

Jada 9-05 said...

Awsome job sam, add a picture next time