Sunday, November 7, 2010

Order of Operations

Bedmass :

B : Brackets ( )

E : Exponents

D : Division

M : Multiplication

A : Addition

S : Subtraction

Question 1 :

Annie has been asked to calculate 1.7 + 6/2 .

She claims the answer to be 3.85.

Do you agree ? Explain why or why not .

Answer :

Annie only got 3.85 because she didn't use BEDMASS.

She got the answer 3.85 this way :

1.7 + 6 = 7.7

7.7/2 = 3.85

The real answer should have been :


6/2 = 3

1.7 + 3 = 4.7

Question 2 :

Put the brackets in the following expression to get the largest value possible .

What problem solving strategy did you use ?

Answer :

I have put the brackets between in the question like this : ( 3 x 2.8 ) + 6.4/4 =

The answer would be 10 which is the largest value you can get !

I have used BEDMASS to solve this problem .

Question 3 :

Create a problem that could be solved using the following expression :

2.5 + 1.25 + 5 x 1.6

Answer :

John is selling pie for her class fundraiser.

One small pie is $ 2.5.

But if you buy 2 pies you can get them for $ 1.25.

And also john has a sign that says :

If you buy 3 pies you get them for $1.6.

Five people came and each got 3 pies each.

If you still need a little More help then her is a link
And her is a link to a video to show you more about BEDMASS

Also her is a picture to show you guys and girls how BEDMASS works :


melina814 said...

good job sheila !! but you should add a video maybe this video might help

Shari873 said...

good job Shelia! nice explaining of BEDMAS! i think you should add a video.

Ashley772 said...

Good job! Thanks this helped me a lot!